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Canada Job Grant

The Canada Job Grant helps employers train new or existing employees for jobs that need to be filled. This flexible program is designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes, in all industries and regions.

Having the right skills helps employees excel and succeed in today’s fast-paced labour market. For more information on the Canada Job Grant and how employers can apply, select a province or territory from the list below:

Quebec Job Grant

The Provincial Government of Quebec offers financial assistance to businesses which offer structured training programs to their employees. The aim of these grants is to foster a culture of training and developing the skills of the employee, in order to increase their flexibility and effectiveness at work. There are a variety of programs available, for more information click here.

Note: These grants are only available to companies and employees based in Quebec.

How much can a company apply for?

Companies can apply for up to $10,000 per employee, per training initiative. Funds can be applied to training costs, textbooks, and software.However, this may vary depending on your region. Please refer to your appropriate province or territory through the list above.

What type of training is covered?

This grant will accommodate most training programs. 


What type of training expenses are eligible for funding?

Most eligible expenses related directly to training are covered, including: 

  • Tuition fees or fees charged by training provider;
  • Mandatory student fees;
  • Textbooks, software and other required materials
How do I apply for the job grant?

Cansel has helped many clients submit their application. There is a simple electronic application form that needs to be filled out by the employer.

If you have any questions, we are more than happy to assist your company with this process. Once the application has been completed it is then submitted online.

How long does the approval process take?

Once you have applied online, you will typically receive a call from the service provider within 48 hours to review your application. Once the review has been completed and your application is deemed acceptable, you will receive formal approval within days.

Typically, this whole process takes no more than a week or two.

Where can I find more information?

We are willing to discuss how your company can benefit from this Government program and provide you with answers to all your questions.