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Engineering - Land Surveying

Every day you head into the field with the equipment you purchased from Cansel, you are putting your credibility on the line. We understand and appreciate this. That’s why you need hardware and software that is up to the task. Trimble surveying solutions purchased through Cansel, combined with proper training and support, will match the level of excellence your customers expect from you.

Just as you are leading the way in your profession, Trimble continues to meet and exceed the demands placed on them by the land surveying industry to provide the most accurate, reliable, and durable surveying solutions. Cansel will match this commitment, and we will stand behind all the products we sell. We do this because our reputation is as important to us as yours is to you.

Whether you purchase a Robotic Total Station or a GNSS receiver system, you can rest assured that the level of attention and care we provide will ensure your success from day one.

Trimble Catalyst on the left and man holding it over should on the right

Trimble SX12 Boundary Surveying

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