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State-of-the-art solutions and services that connect academic learning with real-world industry experience.

Solutions for Educational Institutions

Providing students with a cutting-edge, relevant education is a top priority for schools and aligning learning experiences with industry standards is essential for future success. Cansel understands this need and is dedicated to offering educational solutions and resources that support hands-on learning and real-world problem-solving.

Cansel provides resources that address:

Access to Industry Technology

Evolving Industry Standards

Gaps in Hands-on Experience

Access to Industry Trends & Insights

Field-based Skill Development

Industry Standards & Certifications

Empowering Future Professionals

Cansel offers an array of educational resources, including a robust scholarship program, early employment opportunities, access to industry hardware and software, and comprehensive training programs. These services empower educational institutions to drive career development, equipping students with the tools necessary to innovate and succeed.

Servies offered

  • Scholarships
  • Internships & early employment opportunities
  • Industry hardware & software
  • Training programs
students in classroom working on laptops

Tools for Tomorrow’s Professionals

Cansel partners with educational institutions across Canada to provide access to cutting-edge technology and resources. These include Can-Net for precise GNSS data acquisition in real-time and Trimble Business Center (TBC) office software for data processing and modeling. Through the Cansel Scholarship Program and free access to Can-Learn and TBC, Cansel offers students valuable training resources, hands-on experience, and financial support, helping them develop job-ready skills and succeed in their careers. Certain universities are also eligible for discounted equipment rental rates, making industry-standard tools more accessible to students.


  • Empower the next generation of professionals
  • Support career development
  • Provide real-world experience
  • Inspire young professionals

Cansel's Educational offerings

two students laughing
Scholarship Programs

Cansel’s Scholarship Program awards two annual scholarships of $2,500 to students at participating universities. Scholarship recipients receive free access to Trimble Business Center (TBC) software and Can-Net RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) Correction Services. Additionally, all students can access Cansel’s Can-Learn platform for free, on-demand training in industry-leading software like Autodesk and Trimble—with lifelong access provided to scholarship winners.

  • The Innovation Scholarship: Celebrates forward-thinking in geomatics, encouraging students to explore new, solution-driven approaches using advanced tools.
  • The Business Scholarship: Focuses on entrepreneurial students who identify market demands in surveying and mapping and propose viable, marketable solutions.
female field surveyor at a construction site working with total station
Early Employment Opportunities

Cansel is comitted to supporting the next generation of geomatics professionals through educational programs and career-launching opportunities for both graduates and undergraduates across Canada. Through Cansel’s 360 development programs for graduates—as well as co-op, part-time roles, and internships for undergraduates—students gain hands-on experience to accelerate their career journey.

Trimble Business Center (TBC)

Trimble Business Center (TBC) is a versatile desktop software suite that efficiently processes and analyzes geospatial data from GNSS, total stations, drones, laser scanners, mobile mapping systems, and more. Through Cansel, educational institutions gain access to this powerful tool, enabling students to gain firsthand experience with field data analysis, constructible model creation, digital mapping, surveying, and other essential skills—equipping them for practical applications in the industry.


Can-Learn, is an online learning platform created by Cansel that provides students and industry professionals with on-demand access to training resources, tutorials, and learning modules for a range of industry-specific software applications and tools, including those offered by leading software providers like Autodesk and Trimble. This platform—available to all students at no charge—allows learners to develop practical skills and confidently gain industry knowledge at their own pace.


Cansel offers Can-Net, its National RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) Correction Services network, to universities across Canada, providing students with access to the same high-precision, real-world solutions used by professionals in agriculture, geospatial, and construction industries. With centimeter-level accuracy GNSS data, Can-Net gives students hands-on experience with industry-standard technology.

cansel employees talking to clients at tradeshow booth
Giving Back to the Community

Cansel has been part of the surveying and mapping community in Canada for over 50 years. We consider it our responsibility to encourage and empower young minds to innovate and push boundaries in the geospatial community. By using the tools and services provided by Cansel and Trimble, today’s students gain access to the latest state-of-the-art systems, giving them a great advantage upon graduation.

gnss students learning in classroom

Why Cansel?

Cansel delivers industry-leading solutions designed to help agencies streamline asset management, improve data accuracy, and enhance decision-making. With expert support and field-to-finish expertise, Cansel ensures you get the most from your technology investment while optimizing operations and maintaining networks.

For more information or inquiries, feel free to contact our education team at [email protected].

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