Trimble Products
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Firmware Maintenance - Trimble R12/R12i Receiver Firmware Warranty - 1 Year
SKU #581862Model #EWLS-R12-FW-STOCK
Warranty - Trimble TDC600/Nomad 5/TCU3/TCU5 Hardware Extended Warranty - 1 Year
SKU #550522Model #EWLS-CU2-HW
Firmware Maintenance - Trimble R10-2 Receiver Annual Firmware (Unit is Current to 90 Days Out of Warranty)
SKU #568935Model #EWLS-R10-FW-STOCK
Warranty - Trimble Survey Target/360 Prism Annual Hardware ExtendedWarranty
SKU #578642Model #EWLS-TARGET-HW
Warranty - Trimble Survey Target/360 Prism Annual Hardware Extended Warranty Reinstatement - For Lapses of More Than 90 Days
Loyalty Program - Trimble Access Software Warranty Reinstatement - 1 Year (for Lapses of More Than 12 Months)
Please allow 2-5 working days for the activation code to be generated
Trimble Protected Premium - R12i/R980 Hardware and Firmware Warranty - 5 Years
*** New Customers Only ***
Please allow 2-5 working days for the activation code to be generated
Trimble Protected Premium - R750/R580 Hardware and Firmware Warranty - 5 Years
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Trimble Protected Premium - S5/S7/S9 Autolock Hardware Warranty - 5 Years
SKU #645585Model #ADLS-TS-AUTO-HW
*** New Customers Only ***
Please allow 2-5 working days for the activation code to be generated
Trimble Protected Premium - S5/S7/S9 Robotic Hardware Warranty - 5 Years
SKU #645586Model #ADLS-TS-ROBOT-HW
*** New Customers Only ***
Please allow 2-5 working days for the activation code to be generated
Trimble Protected Premium - SX12 Scanning Total Station Hardware Warranty - 5 Years
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Trimble Protected Premium - T7/T100/T10x Hardware Warranty - 5 Years
*** New Customers Only ***
Please allow 2-5 working days for the activation code to be generated